In The Press
The following are quotes from or written by Michelle Buonincontri of Being Mindful in Divorce
American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and Divorce Planning - Child & Dependent Care Tax Credit
“These potentially “lost” dollars can make a difference for an individual suffering a financial loss due to divorce. Let’s be honest, supporting two households on the incomes that supported one is costly…”
American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and Divorce Planning - Child Tax Credit
Tax credits and dependency exemption planning is an important and largely overlooked aspect of divorce planning.
Bill and Melinda Gates are among America’s largest private landowners — here’s what’s at stake
“If a rental is turned into a primary residence, those receiving the property will need to live there for at least two to five years preceding the sale, so that some or all the Capital Gains Exemption may apply when the property is sold,” Buonincontri (Petrowski) said.
If you need cash now, should you tap into your retirement accounts?
“…when you pull cash from your retirement account, you’re missing out on a market opportunity and that’s investment growth you might not be able to get back.” says Buonincontri
Reverse Mortgages Can Increase Cash Flow During Gray Divorce
“If reducing expenses and saving can improve the odds for retirement success, then not carrying a mortgage into retirement could help after a divorce when income sources are limited and healthcare costs are most likely higher,” Buonincontri writes. “A reverse mortgage can be used as a strategy in gray divorce to assist in retirement planning.”
What the Federal Reserve inflation policy means for your retirement savings
Investors may turn to stocks to compensate for their bond interest loss, said Michelle Buonincontri,…“This potentially creates greater exposure in the stock market and risk for investors that may have previously used safer bonds to subsidize retirement income needs,”
Longevity Brings Increased Risk of Cognitive Decline
“Let’s examine contributors to cognitive decline, some potential signs of it, and ways we may prepare ourselves and our loved ones.“
7 steps financial experts say to take now that the extra $600 unemployment boost is ending
“If money is tight right now, start by figuring out which expenses you can cut, at least temporarily. “Now is the time to be ruthless with your spending plan,” says Michelle Buonincontri, an Arizona-based certified financial planner. “
How Much Should You Have in an Emergency Fund? (Expert Roundup)
“Unfortunately it is in times of crisis that most of us learn, so let’s try to see the opportunity created by the Covid-19 potential obstacles including medical costs and income loss.”
The Human Side of Money - p58
“Taking the time to listen is key”, says Buonincontri..”,, (as women) We want to feel OK. We want things explained. And we want those that are more patient.. a few extra question may be in order.” ..”At one point he apologized and said,’I know you’re not a therapist'”, Buonincontri recalled, “And I said, ‘No you;re right I’m not a therapist, but money is emotional'”.
When ‘Hold Tight’ Is Not Enough — What Advisors Are Saying Now
“If you weren’t the type of person that really listened before or paid attention to the cues of your clients, that now would be a really great time to start to learn those emotional IQ skills…” is more than the dollars and cents on a spreadsheet.
Coronavirus: When you should withdraw from your 401(k)
“Ask: ‘Is this really a hardship? Or are there other venues I haven’t utilized or considered to increase cash-flow,?“
Advisors’ Advice: How to Survive Working From Home
“This is an opportunity for advisors to think outside the box and expand their skills and offerings to clients“
Before You Say 'I Do,' Can Couples Ease Financial Anxieties?
“..(my) goal is to “help millennials understand the importance of money mindset, their life values, and employ tools to help them identify their money story.. (I) specifically, works with them to “cover the basics of banking, investing, cash flow management, building a spending plan, and establishing strategies to keep them on track. We can’t even get to the retirement and investing until this basic foundation has been established.””
Clients Not Saving Enough? Advisors Can Help Change That
“..the most important factor is to just get going with regular savings no matter how small the amount…For example, identify a small win like cutting out daily Starbucks, create a visual to show them how their money will grow, and automate that savings.”
What Is Systematic Investing and What Are the Benefits?
“There are a few reasons systematic investing can be powerful. First, it lifts the temptation to “time” the market — to try to buy low and sell high. “Attempting to market-time is one of the ways that investors [may] lose money and have lower average returns over their lifetime, as no one has a crystal ball.”
Should You Pay Off Debt or Save for Retirement?
“Debt paydown and saving for retirement can be difficult for clients to reconcile after a divorce. Both parties need to work toward both goals to rebuild their finances.”
6 Late-Stage Retirement Catch-Up Tactics
” A Roth account allows for tax-free compounding, and when withdrawal rules are followed, the withdrawals, including the earnings, will be tax-free. This really creates an opportunity for tax planning later to minimize taxable income when you are in the withdrawal phase, and that can add up and help make your money last longer in retirement.”
“Money basics are missing from our school system, we don’t have children being taught these fundamentals at home, and money issues are just increasing due to the increased use of credit cards and reduction in cash…I see the birth of financial coaching…as the next step of personal financial planning.” Financial coaches would focus on the behavioral and education aspects of personal finance in their work with clients, “so that clients are prepared to work with a financial adviser and grow [their] wealth.”
Retirement: What Happens If a Spouse Dies?
“Always update your employer 401(k) beneficiary designation paperwork immediately after a divorce to reflect the intended beneficiary and consult an estate planning attorney to ensure your intended wishes will be carried out at your death—especially if you have remarried—to avoid future conflict. Otherwise, your ex-spouse may get something that was not agreed upon.”
Everything You Need to Know about Spousal IRAs
“Let’s face it, with 50% or more of first marriages ending in divorce, spousal IRAs are a great way to level the playing field by having retirement assets in the name of the spouse that does not have access to a retirement plan if a couple ever find themselves in a divorce situation.”
How To Keep Clients From Breaking The Bank During The Holidays
“I encourage clients to have a plan for who they are buying for, what’s that dollar amount, what will be purchased and for how much, as the next step. Then I suggest using an app, a spreadsheet or another method to track their progress towards that goal to keep then on track with their spending. And we check in on that – it’s an accountability point”
10 Things You May Not Know About Your IRA
“When you start investing outweighs how much you invest. If you have earned income, starting an IRA as a teenager, preferably a Roth IRA, is an excellent idea. It can have a significant impact on your retirement savings by harnessing the power of compounding interest.”
Why do People Still Use Cash?
“Cash can also help consumers spend more responsibility. Having money in tangible form can help you recognize spending patterns and curb impulse purchases. This may make it easier to track expenses over time“, said Michelle Buonincontri, Certified Financial Planner.
The Next Market Dip Could Hurt Your Cash-Poor Client
(for)..” those with access to the Thrift Savings Plan can use its G Fund—the Government Securities Investment Fund—which “makes a great cash component of a retirement account, as it is guaranteed, with an interest rate equivalent to a long-term security.”
Getting divorced cost this woman nearly $1 million in retirement savings — how to avoid her fate
For Michelle Buonincontri, (that’s me) getting divorced wasn’t just an emotional blow; it was also a significant financial setback…
5 things you probably didn’t know about Medicare
“All those Medicare-eligible should consider the long-term cost impact of delaying Medicare coverages and weigh the financial benefit of taking the Part D coverage even if they have access to employer health care in retirement or do not have any prescription needs at the initial enrollment time.”
How to Talk to Clients About Asset Allocation and Truly Be Understood
But today’s younger clients, many of whom watched their parents live through the Great Recession, have a “profound distrust of stock markets,”..
Banking 101: How to Save for Retirement at Any Age
At this point in your savings journey, the most important thing is to keep saving any amount, even if it is less than you projected. “Youth has a superpower, and it’s called compounding interest,” … “It’s not how much we save but for how long that really matters.“
Advisors' Advice: 11 Financial Mistakes Retirees Make
Advisor # 10: “Excluding income tax from considerations from your monthly expected retirement paycheck”
Why a retirement savings account is crucial for military members
“Some creditors take advantage of service members, whether they’re single or have families, because they know they have a steady income and their wages could be garnished. “
The Pros and Cons of DIY Credit Repair
“Believe it or not, having no debt is worse than having some debt,” said Michelle Buonincontri, a certified financial planner and founder of Being Mindful in Divorce in Scottsdale, Ariz. “
The Kinds of Clients Financial Planners Should Avoid
These are just a few of the red flag flags financial planners look for when prospecting for clients and deciding whether to work with someone.
Half of widows see their income drop by 50%. Be ready
And the reality is that becoming a widow often leads to a lower income stream. This is often due to a reduction or loss in a pension, annuity, or a second social security income.
Meet Trailblazer Michelle Buonincontri
“Through my own tumultuous divorce experience, I came to know the stress, the fear, and the cost that this process has on families first-hand. I learned that the current divorce process doesn’t setup couples and their families for success.“
YOUR MONEY-How to rebuild when divorce derails your retirement
“At first, “there’s a lot of crying,” says Michelle Buonincontri, a certified financial planner and certified divorce financial analyst based in Scottsdale, Arizona.”
6 strategies to get a divorce without going broke
““We weren’t a family with millions; $200,000 is a lot of money,” Buonincontri said. “That would have been much better spent in our own pockets.”“
This hot Hollywood divorce trend may not be for you
“Divorce is the death of a relationship. The [bird nesting] arrangement didn’t help out with separateness and healing. It was just more of the same.”
Your Money: Tips from financial advisers on making car deals
Stick to your budget, “review your credit, shop interest rates and insurance and, in general, understand the true cost of vehicle ownership.“
Stock market investing: Wall Street's on a wild post-election ride.
“As any Wall Street analyst will tell you, the stock market utterly hates surprises and uncertainty.”
Your Money: Splitting retirement accounts is tricky for DIY divorce
“How much could a retirement mistake cost you? One case amounted to $110,0000 in taxes and penalties after filing. The couple could have avoided that financial hit by hiring an attorney who specializes in QDROs to file an agreement in conjunction with their divorce.”
What Happens to Retirement Accounts If a Spouse Dies?
“Always update your employer 401(k) beneficiary designation paperwork immediately after a divorce to reflect the intended beneficiary and consult an estate planning attorney to ensure your intended wishes will be carried out at your death – especially if you have remarried – to avoid future conflict.”
How Women Can Help Fill the Retirement Savings Gap
“Develop a spending plan/savings plan. It all starts with cash flow. In order to know how much you can save, you have to know what is coming in and what is going out (your spending).”
Military benefit allows widows to put $500K into Roth IRA at once
“Military benefits can contribute to the assets military folks will utilize in retirement and if planned properly, this can be a big benefit to those retirees in the future.”
Increase Tax-Free Retirement Income With an HSA
“What’s an HSA? I have heard some say it’s like a Roth IRA on steroids.
Health savings accounts (HSAs) are becoming more popular as high-deductible healthcare plans (HDHP) with this option become the norm.”
Rebuilding Your Financial Future After Divorce
“If you are like most, your divorce ends with debt, and the last thing we are thinking about is retirement. I know, I’ve been there; nothing kills a retirement plan like a divorce.”
Why Business (and personal) Partnerships fail
“Why Business Partnerships Fail. Megan Porth, Managing Attorney at Your Contract Shop. AND GUESTS, Michelle Buonincontri, Certified Divorce Financial Analyst AND Susan F. Moody, Managing Director of eWomenNetwork; Inspirational Speaker.”
#Stock market #investing: How to survive the #volatility
“As any Wall Street analyst will tell you, the stock market utterly hates surprises and uncertainty.“
I’m in College. Should I Start Saving for Retirement?
“As a millennial, you have the greatest retirement tool: time. It’s a commodity that you can’t get back as you get older and one many boomers would be jealous of.“
3 tips to reduce laterlife #divorce from wreaking havoc on your #retirement plan
“A laterlife divorce can wreak havoc on even the most well-thought out retirement plan – as there is little time to amass assets and recover from the loss of previously anticipated retirement income.“
Don’t Let a Late-Life Divorce Ruin Your Retirement Plans
“A laterlife divorce can wreak havoc on even the most well-thought out retirement plan – as there is little time to amass assets and recover from the loss of previously anticipated retirement income.“
Stock Market Insanity: Here’s What the Pros Are Telling Their Clients
“U.S. stock markets dropped sharply Monday morning, and even though they already recovered much of their losses, many consumers aren’t sure what to think about the volatility.“
5 Retirement Assumptions You Can't Make Anymore
“We’ve all heard the adage “nothing can be certain, except death and taxes.” This line of thought also applies to retirement, as society and financial markets change.“
Bill and Melinda Gates are among America’s largest private landowners — here’s what’s at stak
“If a rental is turned into a primary residence, those receiving the property will need to live there for at least two to five years preceding the sale, so that some or all the Capital Gains Exemption may apply when the property is sold,” Buonincontri (Petrowski) said
American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and Divorce Planning - Child & Dependent Care Tax Credit
“These potentially “lost” dollars can make a difference for an individual suffering a financial loss due to divorce. Let’s be honest, supporting two households on the incomes that supported one is costly…”
American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and Divorce Planning - Child Tax Credit
Tax credits and dependency exemption planning is an important and largely overlooked aspect of divorce planning.
If you need cash now, should you tap into your retirement accounts?
“when you pull cash from your retirement account, you’re missing out on a market opportunity and that’s investment growth you might not be able to get back.” , says Buonincontri (Petrowski)
Reverse Mortgages Can Increase Cash Flow During Gray Divorce
“If reducing expenses and saving can improve the odds for retirement success, then not carrying a mortgage into retirement could help after a divorce when income sources are limited and healthcare costs are most likely higher,” Buonincontri writes. “A reverse mortgage can be used as a strategy in gray divorce to assist in retirement planning.”
What the Federal Reserve inflation policy means for your retirement savings
Investors may turn to stocks to compensate for their bond interest loss, said Michelle Buonincontri,…“This potentially creates greater exposure in the stock market and risk for investors that may have previously used safer bonds to subsidize retirement income needs,”
What the Federal Reserve inflation policy means for your retirement savings
Investors may turn to stocks to compensate for their bond interest loss, said Michelle Buonincontri,…“This potentially creates greater exposure in the stock market and risk for investors that may have previously used safer bonds to subsidize retirement income needs,”
What the Federal Reserve inflation policy means for your retirement savings
Investors may turn to stocks to compensate for their bond interest loss, said Michelle Buonincontri,…“This potentially creates greater exposure in the stock market and risk for investors that may have previously used safer bonds to subsidize retirement income needs,”
Longevity Brings Increased Risk of Cognitive Decline
“Let’s examine contributors to cognitive decline, some potential signs of it, and ways we may prepare ourselves and our loved ones.“
7 steps financial experts say to take now that the extra $600 unemployment boost is ending
“If money is tight right now, start by figuring out which expenses you can cut, at least temporarily. “Now is the time to be ruthless with your spending plan,” says Michelle Buonincontri, an Arizona-based certified financial planner. “
How Much Should You Have in an Emergency Fund? (Expert Roundup)
“Unfortunately it is in times of crisis that most of us learn, so let’s try to see the opportunity created by the Covid-19 potential obstacles including medical costs and income loss.”
When ‘Hold Tight’ Is Not Enough — What Advisors Are Saying Now
“If you weren’t the type of person that really listened before or paid attention to the cues of your clients, that now would be a really great time to start to learn those emotional IQ skills…” is more than the dollars and cents on a spreadsheet.
Coronavirus: When you should withdraw from your 401(k)
“Ask: ‘Is this really a hardship? Or are there other venues I haven’t utilized or considered to increase cash-flow,?“
Advisors’ Advice: How to Survive Working From Home
“This is an opportunity for advisors to think outside of the box and expand their skills and offerings to clients“
Before You Say 'I Do,' Can Couples Ease Financial Anxieties?
“..(my) goal is to “help millennials understand the importance of money mindset, their life values, and employ tools to help them identify their money story.. (I) specifically, works with them to “cover the basics of banking, investing, cash flow management, building a spending plan, and establishing strategies to keep them on track. We can’t even get the retirement and investing until this basic foundation has been established.””
What Is Systematic Investing and What Are the Benefits?
“..the most important factor is to just get going with regular savings no matter how small the amount…For example, identify a small win like cutting out daily Starbucks, create a visual to show them how their money will grow, and automate that savings.”
What Is Systematic Investing and What Are the Benefits?
“There are a few reasons systematic investing can be powerful. First, it lifts the temptation to “time” the market — to try to buy low and sell high. “Attempting to market-time is one of the ways that investors [may] lose money and have lower average returns over their lifetime, as no one has a crystal ball.”
6 Late-Stage Retirement Catch-Up Tactics
“… A Roth account allows for tax-free compounding, and when withdrawal rules are followed, the withdrawals, including the earnings, will be tax-free. This really creates an opportunity for tax planning later to minimize taxable income when you are in the withdrawal phase, and that can add up and help make your money last longer in retirement.”
“Money basics are missing from our school system, we don’t have children being taught these fundamentals at home, and money issues are just increasing due to the increased use of credit cards and reduction in cash,.”
Everything You Need to Know about Spousal IRAs
“Let’s face it, with 50% or more of first marriages ending in divorce, spousal IRAs are a great way to level the playing field by having retirement assets in the name of the spouse that does not have access to a retirement plan if a couple ever find themselves in a divorce situation.”
How To Keep Clients From Breaking The Bank During The Holidays
“I encourage clients to have a plan for who they are buying for, what’s that dollar amount, what will be purchased and for how much, as the next step. Then I suggest using an app, a spreadsheet or another method to track their progress towards that goal to keep then on track with their spending. And we check in on that – it’s an accountability point”
10 Things You May Not Know About Your IRA
“When you start investing outweighs how much you invest. If you have earned income, starting an IRA as a teenager, preferably a Roth IRA, is an excellent idea. It can have a significant impact on your retirement savings by harnessing the power of compounding interest.”
Why Do People Still Use Cash?
“Cash can also help consumers spend more responsibility. Having money in tangible form can help you recognize spending patterns and curb impulse purchases. This may make it easier to track expenses over time“, said Michelle Buonincontri, Certified Financial Planner.
The Next Market Dip Could Hurt Your Cash-Poor Client
(for) ” those with access to the Thrift Savings Plan can use its G Fund—the Government Securities Investment Fund—which “makes a great cash component of a retirement account, as it is guaranteed, with an interest rate equivalent to a long-term security”.
Getting divorced cost this woman nearly $1 million in retirement savings — how to avoid her fate
For Michelle Buonincontri, (that’s me) getting divorced wasn’t just an emotional blow; it was also a significant financial setback…
5 things you probably didn’t know about Medicare
“All those Medicare-eligible should consider the long-term cost impact of delaying Medicare coverages and weigh the financial benefit of taking the Part D coverage even if they have access to employer health care in retirement or do not have any prescription needs at the initial enrollment time.”
How to Talk to Clients About Asset Allocation and Truly Be Understood
But today’s younger clients, many of whom watched their parents live through the Great Recession, have a “profound distrust of stock markets,”..
Banking 101: How to Save for Retirement at Any Age
At this point in your savings journey, the most important thing is to keep saving any amount, even if it is less than you projected. “Youth has a superpower, and it’s called compounding interest,” … “It’s not how much we save but for how long that really matters.“
Advisors' Advice: 11 Financial Mistakes Retirees Make
But today’s younger clients, many of whom watched their parents live through the Great Recession, have a “profound distrust of stock markets,”..
Advisors' Advice: 11 Financial Mistakes Retirees Make
Advisor # 10: “Excluding income tax from considerations from your monthly expected retirement paycheck”
Why a retirement savings account is crucial for military members
“Some creditors take advantage of service members, whether they’re single or have families, because they know they have a steady income and their wages could be garnished. “They have a target on their back,” Buonincontri said…
The Kinds of Clients Financial Planners Should Avoid
These are just a few of the red flag flags financial planners look for when prospecting for clients and deciding whether to work with someone.
Half of widows see their income drop by 50%. Be ready
“So it’s critical to estimate ahead of time what the impact of your spouses’ death would be on your cash flow, and identify and discuss strategies to fill that gap”, Buonincontri says.
Meet Trailblazer Michelle Buonincontri
“Through my own tumultuous divorce experience, I came to know the stress, the fear, and the cost that this process has on families first-hand. I learned that the current divorce process doesn’t setup couples and their families for success.“
YOUR MONEY-How to rebuild when divorce derails your retirement
“At first, “there’s a lot of crying,” says Michelle Buonincontri, a certified financial planner and certified divorce financial analyst based in Scottsdale, Arizona.”
This hot Hollywood divorce trend may not be for you
“Divorce is the death of a relationship. The [bird nesting] arrangement didn’t help out with separateness and healing. It was just more of the same.”
Stock market investing: Wall Street's on a wild post-election ride.
“As any Wall Street analyst will tell you, the stock market utterly hates surprises and uncertainty.”
Your Money: Splitting retirement accounts is tricky for DIY divorce
“How much could a retirement mistake cost you? One case amounted to $110,0000 in taxes and penalties after filing. The couple could have avoided that financial hit by hiring an attorney who specializes in QDROs to file an agreement in conjunction with their divorce.”
What Happens to Retirement Accounts If a Spouse Dies?
“Always update your employer 401(k) beneficiary designation paperwork immediately after a divorce to reflect the intended beneficiary and consult an estate planning attorney to ensure your intended wishes will be carried out at your death – especially if you have remarried – to avoid future conflict.”
How Women Can Help Fill the Retirement Savings Gap
“Develop a spending plan/savings plan. It all starts with cash flow. In order to know how much you can save, you have to know what is coming in and what is going out (your spending).”
Your Money: Tips from financial advisers on making car deals
Stick to your budget, “review your credit, shop interest rates and insurance and, in general, understand the true cost of vehicle ownership.“
Military benefit allows widows to put $500K into Roth IRA at once
“Military benefits can contribute to the assets military folks will utilize in retirement and if planned properly, this can be a big benefit to those retirees in the future.”
Increase Tax-Free Retirement Income With an HSA
“What’s an HSA? I have heard some say it’s like a Roth IRA on steroids.
Health savings accounts (HSAs) are becoming more popular as high-deductible healthcare plans (HDHP) with this option become the norm.”
Rebuilding Your Financial Future After Divorce
“If you are like most, your divorce ends with debt, and the last thing we are thinking about is retirement. I know, I’ve been there; nothing kills a retirement plan like a divorce.”
Why Business (and personal) Partnerships fail
“Why Business Partnerships Fail. Megan Porth, Managing Attorney at Your Contract Shop. AND GUESTS, Michelle Buonincontri, Certified Divorce Financial Analyst AND Susan F. Moody, Managing Director of eWomenNetwork; Inspirational Speaker.”
#Stock market #investing: How to survive the #volatility
“As any Wall Street analyst will tell you, the stock market utterly hates surprises and uncertainty.“
I’m in College. Should I Start Saving for Retirement?
“As a millennial, you have the greatest retirement tool: time. It’s a commodity that you can’t get back as you get older and one many boomers would be jealous of.“
3 tips to reduce laterlife #divorce from wreaking havoc on your #retirement plan
“A laterlife divorce can wreak havoc on even the most well-thought out retirement plan – as there is little time to amass assets and recover from the loss of previously anticipated retirement income.“
Don’t Let a Late-Life Divorce Ruin Your Retirement Plans
“A laterlife divorce can wreak havoc on even the most well-thought out retirement plan – as there is little time to amass assets and recover from the loss of previously anticipated retirement income.“
Stock Market Insanity: Here’s What the Pros Are Telling Their Clients
“U.S. stock markets dropped sharply Monday morning, and even though they already recovered much of their losses, many consumers aren’t sure what to think about the volatility.“
5 Retirement Assumptions You Can't Make Anymore
“We’ve all heard the adage “nothing can be certain, except death and taxes.” This line of thought also applies to retirement, as society and financial markets change.“

Your Divorce Doesn't Need to be Financially Devastating
Reach an agreement that is mindful and fair
Your Divorce Doesn't Need to be Financially Devastating
Reach an agreement that is mindful and fair

Your Divorce Doesn't Need to be Financially Devastating
Reach an agreement that is mindful and fairLet's Get Started!

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