by Michelle Buonincontri | Apr 28, 2020 | CDFA, Divorce Finances
Of course planning your finances around the potential end of a relationship is uncomfortable to say the least. Who wants to think about that? But we must. stress test for divorce just like we do for other risk scenarios.
by Michelle B | Apr 21, 2020 | CDFA, Divorce Finances, Financial Literacy
Deciding to keep or sell the family home can be emotional and complicated.
by Michelle Buonincontri | Mar 18, 2019 | CDFA, Divorce, Divorce Finances
Financial abuse can be a subtle manipulative, ‘wooing” process that wears us down slowly so that we start to normalize the behaviors. Or it can be overt, demanding, intimating or a combination of all the above. It begins in the dating phase, and it un-hooks us from our “gut brain” or intuition.
by Michelle Buonincontri | Apr 29, 2018 | CDFA, Divorce Finances, Financial Literacy
I have met quite of few folks looking to divorce, with a self-employed spouse that shows little to no income on their tax return. There is fear and uncertainty, and these spouses are in an emotionally vulnerable position unsure what their next step should be.